Grief Support Groups are offered in May- June and once in November- December. They are usually held in the evening, meeting once weekly for a 6-week period.
The goal is to create a safe place for participants to explore their grief, to be a support and share information that can help them during their grief journey.
Topics include:
what is grief
cultural beliefs and messages we have received around grieving
styles of grieving
the tasks of grieving and
how we start to move on
Participants have told us that taking the group helped them. The most common comments we have received are; “I thought I was going crazy or losing my mind but coming here has made me realize I am normal and am adjusting to my new normal.” “The connections I have made will help me to keep going to move forward.”
The two facilitators (Registered Social Workers) fully understand the courage it takes for people to show up and participate as the grief journey is a difficult one. The group serves a very important role in helping participants feel heard, normalize their journey and start to feel they are moving forward.
Anyone who wishes to take part in the grief support group can send an email to [email protected] or call (506) 773-7607 ext. 200 with the name of the individual who wants to participate and a phone number or email where that individual can be reached.
Grieving is a difficult process - it is recommended participants wait for a period of three (3) months following the death before joining a group.